Cannabis Culture Awards 2012

Cannabis Culture Awards 2012ย (Cannabis Cultuurprijs) Winners: The Global Commission on Drug Policy (represented by Sir Richard Branson and Thorvald Stoltenberg), Dr. Lester Grinspoonย and Dr. Frederick Polak Global Commission on Drug Policyย The purpose of The Global Commission on Drug Policy is to bring to the international level an informed, science-based discussion Read more…

3rd Treating Yourself Expo

2012 Treating Yourself Expo

Canadaโ€™s 3rd Annual Treating Yourself Expo offered three days of networking, learning, advertising, and vending in an interactive, inclusive environment. Hosting a series of workshops and seminars, on subjects like alternative medicine, medical cannabis, activism, security and safety, nutrition, hemp, cooking, and more. Guests were treated on Worldโ€™s Largest Vapor Read more…