Koos Zwart Award

Koos Zwart Award 2024

Koos Zwart Award De  Koos Zwart Award wordt uitgereikt bij de Cannabis Industrie Awards. Op vrijdag 13 december 2024 worden de Cannabis Industrie Awards uitgereikt tijdens het avondprogramma van het PCN Cannabis Congres in het  in Eindhoven. On Friday, December 13, 2024, the Cannabis Industrie Awards will be presented during the evening program of the PCN Read more…

Koos Zwart Award

Koos Zwart

Koos Zwart (Amsterdam 1947–2014) was a Dutch cannabis activist. He advocated for the Dutch tolerance policy, which would be shaped in part by his mother, who was Minister of Health. In the 1970s and 1980s, Zwart would read the ‘market reports’ every Saturday on national radio in a show called Read more…