Mr & Mrs Cannabis Award Show 2023
”The Mr & Mrs Cannabis award aims to lift and highlight entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and authenticity in a buzzing award ceremony, where companies and influential profiles within the cannabis industry are awarded for their unique contribution. The ceremony recognizes individuals and companies who are pre-nominated in a range of award categories.”
The awards ceremony took place on Saturday June 24th on the main stage at Mary Jane in Berlin.
These are the winners of the Mr & Mrs Cannabis Awards! Das sind die Gewinner!
Mr Cannabis: Tobias Pietsch
Mrs Cannabis: MaamaGanja
Best Booth: Gizeh
Most Hyped Product: Omura
Most Innovative Product: Dutch-Passion
Industry Newcomer: Befox
Best Media: Hanf Magazin
Best Product Design: Dealer’s Cup
Most Loved Brand: Purize
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