2005 HighLife Hemp Fair results

‘2005 – 8th HighLife Hemp Fair’On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of January 2005 it was time for 8th edition of the famous Highlife Hemp Fair to take place. Like previous years, the Cup was held in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Many vendors, seed banks and coffee shops competed in the battle of best weed, seeds, hash and of course the ‘SUPER CUP’.

Super Cup – The Greenhouse for Great White Shark


These are the results of the 2005 HighLife Hemp Fair

HighLife Cup

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

Growshop Hydro Bio Ibo for
Santa Maria
Hydroland for
Widow 2004
Hennep Huis for
Santa Maria
Coffeeshop Hydro
‘t Bunkertje for
Jack Herer
Sensi Smile for
Black Domina
Catweazle for
White Widow
Growshop Bio Grow Side for
Jack F1
Sensi Seeds for
Mother’s Finest
Hydroland for
Widow 1996
Coffeeshop Bio
Vrolijke Gaper for
Santa Maria
De Bovenstad for
Santa Maria
Genesis for
Snow Ball

Hash Cup


1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

Growshop Hash
Exodus for
Bio G Power for
Bio Ice Power
Cristal Garden for
Coffeeshop Hash Any Day for
Master Blaster
Inpetto for
Bio Polm Power
Far Out for
Santa Maria Hash

Outdoor Cup

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

Best Outdoor
Cristal Garden for
KC Brains for
KC 39
De Bovenstad for

Haze Cup

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

Best Haze
Bio Ibo for
Super Silver Haze
De Vrolijke Gaper for
Twins for
Super Silver Haze

Seed Cup

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

Best Hydro
The Greenhouse for
Great White Shark
Catweazle for
White Widow
The Sensi Seed Bank for
Mother’s Finest
Best Bio
Magnus Genetics for
Paradise Seeds for
Sagarmatha for
Magnolian Indica
Best Seeds
Paradise Seeds for
The Sensi Seed Bank for
Marley’s Collie
Paradise Seeds for


Dutch Hash Cup

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

Growshop Hash Pollinator for
Bio Ibo for
Bio Power 3
Crystal Garden for
Nederhash Haze
Coffeeshop Hash Genesis for
De Vliegende Hollander for
Twins for
Bossche Bollen


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