High Times Medical Cup US

2011 Medical Cannabis Cup Detroit

John Sinclair receives the HIGH TIMES Lester Grinspoon Lifetime Achievement Award These are the results of the 2011 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup, Detroit, Michigan Category 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Sativa Cup Obamanator New World Seeds Sour Diesel G-Cut 04 The M22 Collective Sour Diesel XL Metro Detroit Read more…

High Times Medical Cup US

2011 Medical Cannabis Cup San Francisco

June 25-26, 2011 2nd High Times Medical Cup San Francisco  The HIGH TIMES MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP in San Francisco included prizes for the best and most medicinal cannabis, hashish and edibles from California’s legal medical marijuana dispensaries. HIGH TIMES MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP also featured a two-day medical marijuana and hemp Read more…

High Times Medical Cup US

2010 Medical Cannabis Cup San Francisco

The 1st Medical Cannabis Cup The first Medical Cannabis Cup was held in San Francisco, California, on June 19–20, 2010. This event was modeled after the renowned High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, which had long been a celebration of cannabis culture and innovation. The Medical Cannabis Cup, however, focused Read more…