September 14-16, 2012

The First High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in Seattle!

The HIGH TIMES MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP in Seattle included prizes for the best and most medicinal cannabis, hashish and edibles from Washington’s legal medical marijuana dispensaries.

HIGH TIMES MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP also featured a two-day medical marijuana and hemp expo that included cultivation seminars with HIGH TIMES editors Danny Danko and Nico Escondido, activism sessions with leading marijuana activists from both local and national organizations, a panel on what’s the best way to prepare your own, cannabis-infused food at home, and the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup award show.


These are the results of the 2012 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup



1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

Sativa Cup   Fweedom for
Super Lemon Haze
Exotic Genetix for
Delta 9 Seattle for
Panama Red
Indica Cup   Greenside Medical for
William’s Wonder
Only The Best for
True OG
Top Shelf Medicine for
Jenke’s Kush
Concentrates Cup   Healing Space Gardens for
Space Queen  Budder
OTacoma Cross/ Chuckle Brush Gardens for
Blues City Diesel
A Greener Today  for
Dutch Treat BHO Wax
Edibles Cup   Top Shelf Medicine for
Captain Kirk’s Treasure Chest
Green Ambrosia for
Greenside Medical for
Ettalew’s Organic Vegan Fair Trade Dark Chocolate & Blueberry Truffle
Hybrid Cup   Dockside Co-Op for
Camo Collective for
Uncle Jim
Left Coast Cannabis for
CBD Award   Fweedom Collective  for
Harlequin N-Tane Oil
Seattle Cross for
Canna Caps – Canna Cups
Cannatonics Society for
New York City Diesel
Best Hash   A Greener Today  for
Bubba Blend Bubble Hash
Best Product   VapeXhale Incredibowl Trippy Stix
Best Booth   Pulse Glass Cannatonics Society / Kush Creams Medical Marijuana Patients Network
Best Glass   Pulse Glass Sweeth Tooth Glass Liberty Glass